Database Management Systems
- MySQL: run on servers separate from those running a website
- PostgreSQL: run on servers separate from those running a website
- SQLite: a lighter-weight system that can store all of its data in a single file
Column Types
- TEXT: For strings of text (Ex. a person’s name)
NUMERIC: A more general form of numeric data (Ex. A date or boolean value)
- INTEGER: Any non-decimal number (Ex. a person’s age)
- REAL: Any real number (Ex. a person’s weight)
- BLOB (Binary Large Object): Any other binary data that we may want to store in our database (Ex. an image)
- CHECK: Makes sure certain constraints are met before allowing a row to be added/modified
- DEFAULT: Provides a default value if no value is given
- NOT NULL: Makes sure a value is provided
- PRIMARY KEY: Indicates this is the pimary way of searching for a row in the database
- UNIQUE: Ensures that no two rows have the same value in that column.