I. What is Express.js?
Express.js is a fast, unopinionated, minimal list web framework for NodeJS.
It’s a server-side or back-end framework and can be used with React, Angular, or Vue to build a full-stack application.
Express helps us easily manage our routing, requests, server-side logic, and responses. It also makes our code easier to read, update and extend.
II. Why use Express?
- Make building web apps with Node.js much easier
- Construct an API and render JSON server
- It’s light and fast
- Connect to various data sources (with additional plugins)
- Support MVC (Model-View-Controller)
- Great to use with JavaScript and front-end framework.
III. What to know before starting
- JavaScript fundamentals
- Arrow functions
- High-order array methods (forEach, map, filter)
- Node.js & NPM
- HTTP status codes